On March 15, 2004, work converting the school’s attic into a dormatory with room for 68 beds was completed. Since then, the space has increased and the dorms now house 100 students. Also ensuring that the work will go smoothly in the dorms are the club room, the computer room, as well as the kitchen and cafateria. There is also constant supervision in the dorms by teachers on duty.

In the afternoons, various extracurricular activities and special interest gatherings take place. These offer students choice and variety. It is during these small-group assemblies that the students’ talents are revealed and fostered.

Students can choose to join a number of special interest clubs, elective classes and advanced-level classes. It is among the elective classes that some general grammar school mandatory subjects can be found in our school. Examples are second foreign language classes (Enlgish or German), visual arts (for math students), music, Latin, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of science, advanced technology of programming. Students prepare for competitions during advanced-level classes. Subjects here include: analysis and algebra, geometry, computer science, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, Hungarian, Serbian languages. Other clubs can be partially connected to certain subjects, but they are not a part of the school’s program. Examples are filmmaking workshop, robotics, journalism club.We consider excercise to have a vital role in the lives of students. Since a sane mind lives in a healthy body, the majority of our youngsters play sports. The most popular sport activities include body building, football (soccer), swimming and aerorobics. The afternoon activities are assigned to teachers and chosen by students. Participation is compulsory once their choice has been made and any absence must be justified and approved by the teacher on duty.

The student council has a special role in the organization of student life in the dorms, as well as in the resolution of any problems that arise. Through the council members, students can play an active and effective role in shaping the face and program of the school and dorm. The students organize many free-time activities, including board game championships, crafts, film showings, quizes, parties.

In the past few years, they have organized a number of meetings and reunions with students of various schools and dorms, as well as with “twin classes.” An exchange program exists in our school, which allows students to visit and stay in a selected institution for a week, thereby broadening their perspectives, observing the functioning and schedule of other schools, meeting new people. Of course we also accept students “in return,” who may be curious about what life is like in our school. We’ve had a number of successful exchanges in the past few years, among them exchanges with the Áron Szilády Protestant Grammar School from Kiskunhalas, and the József Katona Grammar School from Kecskemét.

Fortunately, our school is constantly expanding, the student population is growing, but this also means that gaining entry to the school does not automatically mean admission to the dorm. Perhaps this motivates the students even more, and they strive to reach higher achievements and discipline is hardly ever a problem. The attached photos also reveal that the atmosphere is pleasant in the dorms, and the student body is cohesive and cooperative. We are working on keeping life in the dorms this way, since our students spend the majority of their time here, and it is important that they feel comfortable living in the dorms, and that their parents let them stay here with a peace of mind.